# $Id: README.gui,v 1.19 2006/01/28 21:46:12 andreas_o Exp $ #
The Oinkmaster GUI was my very first attempt at creating a graphical
user interface in Perl/Tk. It was written just for fun and the result
is not the prettiest interface you've seen, but it kind of works. It
runs on most Unix-like systems and also on Windows with ActivePerl.
It's not well-written and may not be a high priority for me in the
future, so use at your own risk. Send feedback to Andreas Östling
How to install
The Oinkmaster GUI can be found as oinkgui.pl in Oinkmaster's contrib
directory. If you're lucky, you can just execute it right away.
Minimum screen resolution required is 1024x800.
The GUI is simply a front-end used to create the right command line and
then execute Oinkmaster with it. In other words, oinkmaster.pl can be
run without the GUI but the GUI can not be run without oinkmaster.pl.
It may be easiest if you make sure you have Oinkmaster (without the
GUI) up and running first, although it's not required. See Oinkmaster's
own INSTALL and README (and README.win32 of you're on Windows) for more
The GUI is written in Perl and requires the Perl Tk module.
If you're on UNIX and don't have the Tk module already, install the
latest version from http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/NI-S/.
Unpack it and run "perl Makefile.pl && make && sudo make install".
If you're on *BSD, it's probably better to install the
/usr/ports/*/p5-Tk/ port instead. There are probably packages out there
for most Linux distributions as well.
If you're on Windows with ActivePerl, you do not need any extra modules
since everything is probably installed already. Should the Tk module be
missing, you can install it with the command "ppm install Tk" in a DOS
shell. If you want a non-ugly interface when browsing for directories,
you need to install the Win32::FileOp module. This is strongly
recommended and is as simple as typing "ppm install Win32::FileOp" in a
DOS shell.
After you've made sure you have the Tk module installed, simply execute
oinkgui.pl (it's found in Oinkmaster's contrib directory, and you may
want to copy it to some better location first). You don't have to be in
a DOS/Unix shell to start it - you can create a shortcut for it on your
desktop if you like.
When you start the GUI for the first time, all required
files/directories will not be automatically set (although some of them
may be). All entries under the "Required files and directories" tab
must be set correctly or you will not be able to do anything. When they
are set correctly (i.e. when all the labels have turned green), you are
ready to go. The files/directories under the "Optional files and
directories" tab are not required, and if you leave a field empty, that
option will simply not be used. When all required fields are set, you
should be ready to update the rules by pushing the "Update rules!"
When you're happy with all the filename entries and options, you
probably want to push the "Save config" button. All GUI settings will
then be saved to a configuration file (~/.oinkguirc) which you can load
later with the "Load config" button. It's also loaded automatically on
Hint: Place the mouse pointer over a button or filename entry and a
short help message will be displayed under the big black output window.
To find out more about Oinkmaster, consult its own documentation.